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What is Sexual Addiction?

The term “sexual addiction,” while not recognized as a formal psychiatric disorder, is frequently used to refer to a broad range of behaviors such as online/off-line pornography use, compulsive masturbation, chronic partner/spousal infidelity, and much more.

How do I know if I have a problem?

Sexual behaviors become problematic when they negatively affect a person’s emotional, social, physical, occupational, or spiritual functioning, despite repeated efforts to stop. In some cases, serious legal consequences result from problematic sexual behavior.

Effects of Pornography

Although pornography is widely available and protected free speech under our Constitution, it does not mean it’s good for one’s emotional, physical, relational or spiritual health.

Pornography is a powerful and destructive force in our society. Prolonged use can drastically shape sexual arousal and performance, potentially rendering a person incapable of achieving sexual satisfaction in relationships with his/her spouse/partner.

Spouses/partners of pornography users often experience their behavior as a form of betrayal, hardly different from the experience of sexual infidelity in committed relationships.

Pornography ruins families, marriages and careers. The shame, isolation and loneliness that it produces slowly erodes the human soul by deepening the crevasses of perversity and abyss of dehumanization.


By now, you probably know that you cannot overcome this problem all by yourself. By now, you probably have failed so many times that you are looking for solutions outside of yourself. Good! There is hope.

There’s always hope for those who ask for help. The process of change is difficult and painful. Facing and owning your problem can be frightening, but it’s the most important step towards healing.

Just like a computer, you can always hit the “reset” button of your sexuality and, in some cases, you may even have to re-set your computer back to its “factory settings.” I invite you to explore these paths with me.

Yes. There is hope!